Get involved!

There are a number of student organizations and activities for students to participate in at Allen College. Active involvement in a student organization or activity often leads to personal and professional development and may lead to the establishment of long-lasting friendships. 学生活动也是一个有趣的地方.

Get involved and help make one or more of the student organizations the best they can be.

  • 学生专业组织:ASRO, ASNA, SOTA, SPTA
  • 其他学生组织:NCF,学生大使
  • 荣誉社团:西格玛Theta Tau护理荣誉社团的Pi Kappa分会
  • Other Opportunities: ROTC Program, Student Representative on College Committees



ASRO is a student-led organization that focuses on students’ volunteering and community service activities. 

  • 所有ASR的学生都是ASRO的成员. 
  • There are no annual dues.
  • ASRO计划并参与筹款和社区服务活动.
  • ASRO also participates in activities to promote Allen College and the ASR program. 


  • President - Schedules and conducts meetings; presents student body concerns to administration, Enrollment Management, 和/或项目主任/院长. 总统受邀参加ASR咨询委员会会议.
  • Vice President - Lends organizational assistance to the president; coordinates all committee work; assumes the duties of the president in his/her absence.
  • Secretary - Records minutes of all student meetings; conducts correspondence; facilitates communication to members via bulletin board or other means.
  • Class Representatives -每个班级都有代表在ASRO任职. Representatives are responsible for communication between the organization and the student body.

ASRO Faculty Advisor:
Don Bishop (319) 226-2032 |


The Allen Student Nurses' Association (ASNA) is a local chapter of the Iowa Association of Nursing Students (IANS); IANS is a constituent of the 全国学生护士协会.

  • 年费包括所有三个组织的会员资格.
  • 商务会议每月举行一次.
  • 提供专业成长和职业发展计划.
  • ASNA会员资格的好处包括领导力发展, career counseling, 专业技能提升, and the establishment of networking relationships with other student nurses at the local, state, and national levels.

ASNA Faculty Co-Advisors:
阿丽莎·恩格尔(319)226-2083 |
阿什利·奥伦迪克(319)226-2041 |


NSNA是全国唯一的护理专业学生组织. The purpose of the National Student Nurses' Association is "to aid in the development of the individual student and to urge students of nursing, 作为未来的医疗保健专业人员, to be aware of and to contribute to improving the health care of all people." Students paying annual dues and who are involved in the Allen Student Nurses' Association (ASNA) are automatically members with rights and responsibilities in the NSNA.

Learn more about NSNA

Allen College's 学生职业治疗协会 (SOTA) is a student led organization designed to support the professional growth of Allen College Occupational Therapy students, by enhancing their knowledge and understanding of the profession through engagement in professional, educational, and community activities.

The mission of the Allen College Student of Physical Therapy Association (SPTA) is to engage in diverse learning while fostering leadership within the DPT program, 参与社区活动,终身学习.

  • 所有目前的PT学生都是SPTA的成员.
  • SPTA每年举行一次会议,并视需要而定.

SPTA Faculty Advisor:
道恩·奥斯本(310)226-2564 |

Other Student Organizations


The NCF is an interdenominational organization open to nursing students at Allen College. Members spend time with each other sharing and receiving spiritual encouragement in their life journeys. 

Mission: The mission of NCF is for nursing students and faculty to be encouraged, equipped, empowered:

  • 鼓励在护理学校的背景下成长的信仰
  • Equipped to integrate faith with nursing through Bible study and spiritual care resources
  • 有权与其他护理学生和教师分享你的信仰

Meeting Schedule: Currently on hold

Student Ambassadors
The Allen College Student Ambassadors are a select group of students dedicated to promoting the College. The Ambassadors represent Allen College to prospective students and their families, as well as alumni, the community, and other audiences. Serving as an essential component of the total marketing and recruiting effort, 学生大使对网上最好的赌博软件的成功至关重要.
  • 积极代表网上最好的赌博软件
  • 协助招生办公室进行招生工作
  • 在各种活动中担任学院访客的形象大使
  • Attend required meetings
  • 每学期完成规定的服务时间
  • 通过校园学生活动培养学生的参与度
  • 及时回复群组邮件和请求
  • 在学院有良好的学术和财务状况
  • 完成领袖之心训练
  • 热情积极的态度
  • 良好的职业道德,能完成分配的任务
  • 能够与校友和未来的学生展开对话
  • 真心希望帮助网上最好的赌博软件保持成功
  • Minimum of 3.0 GPA
  • 在网上最好的赌博软件完成至少一个学期
Why Become an Ambassador?
  • 服务并回馈网上最好的赌博软件
  • 提高沟通和演讲技巧
  • 与校友、在校生和未来的学生见面并建立联系
  • 建立你的简历,获得领导经验

Ambassador Advisors:
Shanna Pikora | (319) 226-2007

Monica Berning | (319) 226-2008

每年秋季和春季学期接受申请. 联系Shanna Pikora了解更多信息.


Ambassador group picture

Honor Society

西格玛Theta Tau的Pi Kappa分会

西格玛Theta Tau国际, Honor Society of Nursing, is dedicated to improving the health of people worldwide through increasing the scientific base of nursing practice.

  • 全球已有超过40.5万名会员入会.
  • 荣誉协会有超过13万名活跃成员.
  • 成员居住在86个国家.
  • 46% of active members hold master's and/or doctoral degrees; 26% are staff nurse/clinicians; 21% are nurse practitioners, nurse midwives, nurse anesthetists or clinical specialists; 18% are administrators or supervisors; and 22% are educators or researchers.
  • 在澳大利亚的大学校园里有469个分会, Botswana, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Ghana, Hong Kong, Japan, Kenya, Malawi, Mexico, the Netherlands, Pakistan, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Swaziland, Sweden, Taiwan, Tanzania, Wales, 英国和美国.

Chapter Counselor:
Kris Jasper | (319) 226-2095

Other Opportunities

ROTC Program

The Department of Military Science at the University of Northern Iowa administers the Army Reserve Officer's Training Corps (ROTC) program. 本课程面向网上最好的赌博软件护理专业的学生.

  • ROTC offers classes containing the basic concepts and principles of military science. 课程强调个人和小组领导能力的发展, ethics, 诚信与责任.
  • Nursing students enrolled in the program have the opportunity to gain valuable, hands-on experience with Army Nurses during a six-week leadership camp after their junior year of college.
  • 学生可申请二-, three- and four-year ROTC scholarships which pay full or partial tuition and fees.
  • Additionally, contracted students / cadets receive a yearly tuition stipend and a yearly book stipend. 

Scholarships are based on academic merit and winners incur a military obligation upon graduation from Allen College. The program is normally four years long and a commission as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Army usually results. However, students can enter the program as late as the junior year if they qualify. There is no military obligation up to the start of the Junior year of ROTC unless you are a scholarship recipient. 

ROTC Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Kendra Williams-Perez

More Information: Contact or (319) 226-2044


Student representatives are on Allen College committees regarding admissions, curriculum, evaluation and study, 社区服务,多样性和包容性.

  • Students are invited to participate in bringing a student perspective to these important committees as they deal with and discuss various aspects of the Allen College community.
  • 这一承诺包括出席预定的会议.

Shanna Pikora | (319) 226-2007

有兴趣成为委员会的学生代表? Contact Shanna Pikora. 
Group photo of ambassadors